HL Guard Reallite 2.6 is one of the most complex anticheaturi dedicated servers for Counter Strike 1.6.
Functiuni: Functions:
detectare coduri de tip OGC Detection Code of type OGC
detectare bunny hop Detection bunny hop
detectare aliasuri ( cfg cu aim, cfg no recoil, cfg silent run si silent defuse – toate acestea le detecteaza si baneaza jucatorul) Detection aliases (cfg to aim, no recoil cfg, cfg and run silent silent defuse - all they detect and ban the player)
blocheaza tastele care sunt specificate intrun anumit fisier de configurare (functiune folositoare pentru blocarea tastelor care se folosesc la coduri OGC: End, Incert, Delete si nu numai) stuck keys that are specified in a specific configuration file (useful for blocking the function keys are used to code OGC: End, uncertain, and not only Delete)
Instalare HL Guard Reallite 2.6 Installation Reallite HL Guard 2.6
1. 1. Pentru a putea instala acest plugin trebuie sa ai instalat Amxmodx 1.8.1 . Vezi tutorialul de instalare Amxmodx. To install this plugin need to have installed Amxmodx 1.8.1. See installation tutorial Amxmodx.
2. 2. Descarci installerul automat HL Guard Reallite 2.6 . Download installer automatically HL Guard Reallite 2.6.
3. 3. Dublu click pe executabil si alegi ca folder de instalare folderul HLDScstrike (unde HLDS este directorul principal al serverului). Double click on the executable and select the installation folder folder HLDS cstrike (where HLDS is the main server). Installerul va copia automat toate fisierele necesare. Installer will automatically copy all the files needed.
4.Intri in HLDScstrikeaddonsmetamod si deschizi plugins.ini cu Wordpad sau Notepad. Into HLDS cstrike addons metamod and open plugins.ini with Wordpad or Notepad. Adaugi sub liniile deja existente urmatoarea linie: Add the following lines already existing line:
win32 addonshlguarddllshlguard_mm_nightly.dll
5. Intri in HLDScstrikeaddonsamxmodxconfigs si deschizi fisierul plugins.ini . Into HLDS cstrike addons amxmodx configs and open plugins.ini file. Sub toate liniile de acolo adaugi urmatoarele doua: In all lines there add the following two:
At this point Reallite HL Guard 2.6 is installed. Daca serverul era pornit, faci o schimbare de harta. If the server was started, make a change of map. Pentru a vedea daca pluginul functioneaza correct poti da in consola comanda meta list si va trebui sa apara in lista de pluginuri incarcate urmatoarele linii: To see if the plugin works correct you give the command console in meta list and will have to appear in the list of loaded pluginuri following lines:
[ 1] AMXX [Reallite] RUN - amxmodx_mm.dll v1.8.0.3 ini Start ANY [1] AMXX [Reallite] RUN - amxmodx_mm.dll v1.8.0.3 ini Start ANY
[ 2] HLGuard RUN - hlguard_mm_night v1.9.n10 ini Chlvl Chlvl [2] HLGuard RUN - hlguard_mm_night v1.9.n10 ini Chlvl Chlvl
Apoi dai in consola comanda amx_plugins si cauti liniile: Then give the command in the console and looking amx_plugins lines:
[ 37] Reallite HLGuard 2.6 DJ_WEST reallite_hlg.am running [37] Reallite HLGuard 2.6 DJ_WEST reallite_hlg.am running
[ 38] Reallite HLGuard Detec 2.6 DJ_WEST reallite_hlg_de running [38] Reallite HLGuard Detec 2.6 DJ_WEST reallite_hlg_de running
[ 39] CSNadeDrops 0.14 Avalanche csnadedrops.amx running [39] CSNadeDrops 0.14 running csnadedrops.amx Avalanche
Daca aceste linii apar exact ca in exemplu, pluginul este functional si gata de banat codati. If these lines are exactly as in example plugin is functional and ready to reproach encoded.
Pluginul are si un meniu on screen care va aparea in joc dup ace dai comanda rhlg_menu . Plugin has a menu on screen that will appear in the game after you order these rhlg_menu. Pentru a avea acces la aceasta comanda trebuie sa ai admin cu imunitate (nivel de acces “ a ” in linia din users.ini). To access this command must have admin with immunity (level of access "to" in line of users.ini).
Configurare si cvaruri HL Guard Reallite 2.6 Configuration and cvaruri HL Guard Reallite 2.6
Pentru a nu avea prea mult de munca, installerul iti va instala pluginul gata configurat…cu mici exceptii. To not have too much work, the installer will install the plugin ready ... set with small exceptions. Cvar-urile pentru detectarea codurilor de tip OGC sunt activate, cele pentru detectarea aliasurilor din cfg-uri sunt activate si ele, blocarea tastelor este activata (poti sa mai adaugi tu taste). Ævar can detect type codes OGC enabled the detection of aliases cfg sites and they are blocking key is activated (can you add to taste).
Totusi va vom prezenta cateva cvaruri mai importante in caz ca vreti sa schimbati configurile. However we present some cvaruri important if you want to change the configure.
Pluginul are o functionalitate de blocare a cvar-urilor incorecte, pe care am ales sa o lasam dezactivata. Plugin has a feature to block sites Ævar incorrect, which I chose to leave off.
Daca vrei sa o activezi (desi nu recomand) intri in amxmodxconfigsreallite_hlg.cfg si deschizi reallite_main.cfg cu Wordpad sau Notepad. If you want to activate (though not recommended) into amxmodx configs reallite_hlg.cfg and reallite_main.cfg open with Wordpad or Notepad.
La linia 28 ai cvarul rhlg_blockcvars "0" pe care il poti active schimband valoarea in 1 . On line 28 of Ævar rhlg_blockcvars "0" you can active in changing the value 1.
Pentru blocarea tastelor intri in reallite_hlg si deschizi reallite_block_keys.cfg . To lock the keys into reallite_hlg and open reallite_block_keys.cfg. Ai acolo o lista cu toate tastele, insa acestea sunt dezactivate (au // in fata). You have there a list of all keys, but they are disabled (have / / in front). Ce trebuie sa faci este doar sa stergi // din fata tastei pe care vrei sa o blochezi. What you do is just delete the / / in front of key you want to block.
Jucatorul care va apasa acea tasta pentru a active un OGC sau un cfg se va deconecta automat de la server. The player will press the key to an active or a cfg OGC will automatically disconnect from the server.
Functiunile pluginului se activeaza sau se dezactiveaza din fisierul de configurare reallite_main.cfg unde vei gasi o lista de cvaruri. Functions are activated or plugin to disable configuration file reallite_main.cfg where you will find a list of cvaruri.
Cele mai importante functiuni sunt activate default deci nu va trebui sa umbli la ele. The most important functions are enabled by default so I have to go to them.