Tutorial HL Guard server on Counter Strike 1.6
HL Guard - cum faci hl guard-ul sa functioneze HL Guard - how do hl guard's work
Acesta este un sistem anti-cheat pentru Half-Life , avand urmatoarele componente : This is an anti-cheat system for Half-Life, having the following components:
a.detecteaza aimbot a.detecteaza aimbot
b.blocheaza wallhack-ul The b.blocheaza wallhack
c.detecteaza alias-urile c.detecteaza alias sites
d.intareste cvar-urile Ævar d.intareste sites
e.da ban pe nume (nick) e.da ban on the name (nick)
f.sistem Steamban incorporat - pentru cei cu steam f.sistem Steamban incorporated - for those with steam
g.sistem de paza impotriva Skywalk g.sistem guard against Skywalk
1.Instalarea se face in metamod plugins.ini , deci se descarca HL Guard rar de aici , se dezarhiveaza , se copiaza in HLDScstrikeaddons dupa care se editeaza in metamod plugins.ini : 1.Instalarea is in metamod plugins.ini, so HL Guard rar download here, unzip it, copy it in HLDS cstrike addons then be published in metamod plugins.ini:
win32 addons/hlguard/dlls/hlguard_mm.dll . win32 addons / hlguard / dlls / hlguard_mm.dll. Se poate folosi si hlguard_mm_optimized.dll dar este pentru sistemele mai noi si ar putea sa va pice serverul . It can be used hlguard_mm_optimized.dll but new systems and could be pice server.
2.Acum trebuie sa alegi intre mesajul repetat de terminare a scanarii si cel unic , adica daca vrei ca dupa orice scanare sa-ti apara mesajul cum ca scanarea a fost efectuata , sau numai dupa prima scanare . 2.Acum must choose between the message repeatedly end scanning and single, I mean if you want any updates after you defend the message that the scan was performed, or only after the first scan. Pentru a face acest lucru trebuie sa intri in HLDScstrikeaddonshlguardconfig unde descizi cu Wordpad , hlguard.cfg . To do this you must get in HLDS cstrike addons hlguard config where descizi with Wordpad, hlguard.cfg. Aici cauti linia " Alias scanning completed mesage" unde ai doua optiuni : "One Time mesages" si "Repeating mesages" . This line search "Alias completed scanning messages" where you two options: "One Time mesages" and "repeating mesages. Pentru a activa una dintre ele ii stergi "//"din fata . To activate one of them will delete the "/ /" in front.
3.Acum must activate the hlguard
Penru a face acest lucru, prima data intri in HLDScstrikeaddonshlguardconfig , unde deschizi hlg_menu.cfg cu wordpad .Aici cauti linia hlg_menupassword "" , unde pui o parola intre ghilimele (ex : hlg_menupassword"meseriasu" ). Order to do this, first get in HLDS cstrike addons hlguard config, where hlg_menu.cfg to open WordPad. Hlg_menupassword line doing here ", which put a password in quotes (eg hlg_menupassword" meseriasu). Salvezi si iesi .Daca serverul era pornit , dai un restart sau schimbi harta . Save and exit. If the server was started, make a restart or change map. Apoi intri in joc unde dai in consola hlg_menu meseriasu (deci fara ghilimele , iar meseriasu este parola din hlg_menu.cfg ). Then get in the game where you hlg_menu meseriasu in console (without the quotes and meseriasu is hlg_menu.cfg password). Meniul o sa-ti apara pe ecran . The menu will appear on your screen.
4.Setarea declaratiei de acord . 4.Setarea statement of agreement. Prima data intri in HLDScstrikeaddonshlguardconfighlguard.cfg unde strrgi "//" din fata liniei: First into HLDS cstrike addons hlguard config hlguard.cfg where strrgi "/ /" in front of the line:
// hlg_exec addons/hlguard/config/hlg_agreement.cfg / / Hlg_exec addons / hlguard / config / hlg_agreement.cfg
Then jump in HLDS cstrike addons hlguard config, where hlg_agreement open with WordPad. Acolo vei gasi cateva linii care poti sa le schimbi . There you will find some lines that you can change. Prima este cea cu "By playing on this server , you" si asa mai departe . The first is the "By playing on this server, you" and so on. Nu trebuie tradus cuvant cu cuvant, insa trebuie respectate liniile .Ultima linie este cea mai importanta . Should not be translated word for word, but lines must be respected. The last line is most important. Acolo treci "1. Accept 4.Refuz ". Get there "1. Accept 4.Refuz. Jucatorul care va apasa tasta 4 va fi dat afara automat refuzand scanarea. The player will press the key 4 will be kicked out automatically refusing scan. Daca vrei, poti descarca de aici hlg_agreement, gata tradus. If you want, you can download here hlg_agreement ready translated. Trebuie doar sa-l dezarhivezi si sa copiezi fisierul hlg_agreement.cfg in hlguardconfig peste cel care e acolo. Just unzip it and copy the file hlg_agreement.cfg in hlguard config over who is there.
Ce se poate face cu HL Guard-ul veti vedea intrand in meniul on screen cu hlg_menu parola in consola . What can be done with the HL Guard will see going on in the menu screen with password hlg_menu console.