tutorial reduce lag
- Step 1 - First Steps of the server would have the priority to "Realtime"
- Porniti server-ul, apasati CTRL+ALT+DEL, dati la Processes, cautati hlds.exe in acea lista, dupa ce-l gasiti, dati click dreapta pe el, Set Priority -> Realtime - Start the server, press CTRL + ALT + DEL, go to Processes, hlds.exe Search in the list after it found, right click on it, Set Priority -> Realtime

- Pasul 2 - Al doilea pas ar fi urmatorul: - Step 2 - The second step would be the following:
- Va duceti in folderul cu hlds.exe(de unde dati drumu la server), faceti un schorcut la hlds.exe, apoi veti gasi in acelasi folder inca un fisier de genul "Shortcut to hlds" ; Dati click dreapta pe acesta, apasati Proprietes iar in primul rand aveti Target, iar acolo aveti ceva de forma HDD:locationhlds.exe . - We go in with hlds.exe folder (where you go to the server), make a schorcut to hlds.exe, then you will find in the same folder for a file like "Shortcut to hlds" Click on the right, click propriétés and primarily have Target, and there have some form HDD: location hlds.exe.
In continuare adaugi : -console -game cstrike -pingboost 3 +sys_ticrate 1000 +heapsize 250000 +maxplayers 20 +map de_nuke. Further add:-console-game cstrike-pingboost 3 + sys_ticrate 1000 + heapsize 250,000 + maxplayers 20 + map de_nuke.

- Pasul 3 - Al treilea pas ar fi sa puneti un Booster . - Step 3 - The third step would be to put a Booster.

- Pasul 4 - Pasul 4 se este valabil pentru schimbarea mai rapida a hartii: - Step 4 - Step 4 is true for changing the map faster:
- Intrati in folderul cstrike unde aveti instalat server-ul, si cautati fisierul custom.hpk . - Come in cstrike folder where you installed the server, and file custom.hpk Search. Il stergeti definitiv Permanently delete

- Pasul 5 - Pasul 5 ar fi sa folositi un script pentru rate-uri: - Step 5 - Step 5 would be to use a script to rate links:
Code: Code:

alias "dslow" "sv_minrate 2500;sv_maxrate 2500;sv_minupdaterate 5;sv_maxupdaterate 5;echo dead slow" alias "dslow" sv_minrate 2500; sv_maxrate 2500; sv_minupdaterate 5; sv_maxupdaterate 5; echo dead slow "
alias "vslow" "sv_minrate 3500;sv_maxrate 3500;sv_minupdaterate 13;sv_maxupdaterate 13;echo very slow" alias "vslow" sv_minrate 3500; sv_maxrate 3500; sv_minupdaterate 13; sv_maxupdaterate 13; echo very slow "
alias "slow" "sv_minrate 3500;sv_maxrate 5000;sv_minupdaterate 14;sv_maxupdaterate 14;echo slow" alias "slow" sv_minrate 3500; sv_maxrate 5000; sv_minupdaterate 14; sv_maxupdaterate 14; echo slow "
alias "norm" "sv_minrate 3500;sv_maxrate 7500;sv_minupdaterate 15;sv_maxupdaterate 15;echo normal" alias "norm" sv_minrate 3500; sv_maxrate 7500; sv_minupdaterate 15; sv_maxupdaterate 15; echo normal
alias "fast" "sv_minrate 3500;sv_maxrate 9999;sv_minupdaterate 20;sv_maxupdaterate 20;echo fast" alias "fast" sv_minrate 3500; sv_maxrate 9999; sv_minupdaterate 20; sv_maxupdaterate 20; echo fast "
alias "vfast" "sv_minrate 3500;sv_maxrate 20000;sv_minupdaterate 20;sv_maxupdaterate 60;echo LAN fast" alias "vfast" sv_minrate 3500; sv_maxrate 20000; sv_minupdaterate 20; sv_maxupdaterate 60; echo fast LAN "

alias "rates" "sv_minrate;sv_maxrate;sv_minupdaterate;sv_maxupdaterate" alias "rates" sv_minrate; sv_maxrate; sv_minupdaterate; sv_maxupdaterate "

Adaugati acest script in fisierul server.cfg din folderul cstrike unde aveti instalat server-ul. Add this script file server.cfg in cstrike folder where you installed the server.
Folosire : Dupa ce porniti server-ul scrieti in consola ce setare vreti, in functie de internetul pe care il aveti si in functie de calculatorul pe care tineti server . Use: After start the server console, type in what setting you want, depending on the internet that you have and depending on the computer that hold the server. De exemplu daca aveti un server pe lan scrieti in consola vfast sau daca aveti un server pe care sunt jucatori din aceiasi retea puteti folosi fast sau norm . For example if you launch a server type in console vfast or if you have a server on which players can use the same network or fast norm. Puteti accesa acest script si prin "rcon" in functie de cum variaza lagul pe server. You can access this script by "rcon" in the way varies depending lagul server. Sa nu aveti nici o setare despre rate-uri in server.cfg, listenserver.cfg, game.cfg, settings.cfg, amx.cfg etc. Not have any of the rate-setting organizations in server.cfg, listenserver.cfg, game.cfg, settings.cfg, etc. amx.cfg.

- Pasul 6 - Pasul 6 se refera la cateva setari pe care trebuie sa le adaugi la server. - Step 6 - Step 6 refers to several settings that need to add the server.
- Aveti urmatoare setari: - You have the following settings:
Code: Code:
log off Log off
sv_logbans 0 sv_logbans 0
sv_logecho 0 sv_logecho 0
sv_logfile 0 sv_logfile 0
sv_log_onefile 0 sv_log_onefile 0
mp_logmessages 0 mp_logmessages 0
mp_logdetail 0 mp_logdetail 0
sv_unlag 1 sv_unlag 1
sv_maxunlag .1 sv_maxunlag .1
fps_max 600 fps_max 600

Aceste setari le adaugati in server.cfg . These settings add to the server.cfg.

- Step 7 - Step 7 refers to several settings that would need to use depending on what type of internet you have.
Code: Code:
// Modem 56k // / / 56k Modem / /
rate 5000 rate 5000
sv_rate 5500 sv_rate 5500
sv_cmdrate 40 sv_cmdrate 40
sv_cmdbackup 2 sv_cmdbackup 2
sv_updaterate 45 sv_updaterate 45
mp_resend 2 mp_resend 2
sv_dlmax 40 sv_dlmax 40
mp_decals 50 mp_decals 50

Code: Code:
// 128k // / / 128k / /
rate 10000 rate 10000
sv_rate 10000 sv_rate 10000
sv_cmdrate 60 sv_cmdrate 60
sv_cmdbackup 3 sv_cmdbackup 3
mp_updaterate 60 mp_updaterate 60
sv_resend 2 sv_resend 2
sv_dlmax 100 sv_dlmax 100
mp_decals 100 mp_decals 100

Code: Code:
// 256k // / / 256k / /
rate 12000 rate 12000
sv_rate 12000 sv_rate 12000
sv_cmdrate 101 sv_cmdrate 101
sv_cmdbackup 4 sv_cmdbackup 4
sv_updaterate 101 sv_updaterate 101
sv_resend 3 sv_resend 3
mp_dlmax 256 mp_dlmax 256
mp_decals 100 mp_decals 100

Code: Code:
// 512k // / / 512k / /
rate 15000 rate 15000
sv_rate 15000 sv_rate 15000
sv_cmdrate 80 sv_cmdrate 80
sv_cmdbackup 4 sv_cmdbackup 4
mp_updaterate 45 mp_updaterate 45
sv_resend 3 sv_resend 3
mp_dlmax 400 mp_dlmax 400
mp_decals 100 mp_decals 100

Code: Code:
// 1024k // / / 1024k / /
rate 20000 rate 20000
sv_rate 20000 sv_rate 20000
sv_cmdrate 80 sv_cmdrate 80
sv_cmdbackup 6 sv_cmdbackup 6
mp_updaterate 80 mp_updaterate 80
sv_resend 6 sv_resend 6
mp_dlmax 800 mp_dlmax 800
mp_decals 300 mp_decals 300

Code: Code:
// 2048K // / / 2048K / /
rate 25000 rate 25000
sv_rate 25000 sv_rate 25000
sv_cmdrate 101 sv_cmdrate 101
sv_cmdbackup 6 sv_cmdbackup 6
sv_updaterate 101 sv_updaterate 101
sv_resend 6 sv_resend 6

Code: Code:
// DSL High // / / DSL High /
rate "12001.000521" rate "12001.000521"
sv_rate "9999" sv_rate "9999"
sv_latency "-21.000521" sv_latency "-21.000521"
sv_updaterate "160" sv_updaterate "160"
sv_cmdrate "40" sv_cmdrate "40"
mp_resend "2" mp_resend "2"
mp_cmdbackup "2" mp_cmdbackup "2"
sv_dlmax "768" sv_dlmax "768"
ex_interp "0.01" ex_interp "0.01"
ex_extrapmax "10" ex_extrapmax "10"

Code: Code:
// DSL Low // / / DSL Low / /
rate "9001.000521" rate "9001.000521"
sv_rate "9999" sv_rate "9999"
mp_latency "-51.000521" mp_latency "-51.000521"
mp_updaterate "67" mp_updaterate "67"
sv_cmdrate "40" sv_cmdrate "40"
sv_resend "2.5" sv_resend "2.5"
mp_cmdbackup "51" mp_cmdbackup "51"
mp_dlmax "512" mp_dlmax "512"
ex_interp "0.05" ex_interp "0.05"
ex_extrapmax "4" ex_extrapmax "4"
cl_dlmax 800 cl_dlmax 800
mp_decals 300 mp_decals 300

Code: Code:
// qDSL // / / QDSL / /
rate "15001.000521" rate "15001.000521"
cl_rate "9999" cl_rate "9999"
cl_latency "-16.000521" cl_latency "-16.000521"
cl_updaterate "101" cl_updaterate "101"
cl_cmdrate "400" cl_cmdrate "400"
cl_resend "1.5" cl_resend "1.5"
cl_cmdbackup "2" cl_cmdbackup "2"
cl_dlmax "1024" cl_dlmax "1024"
ex_interp "0.01" ex_interp "0.01"
ex_extrapmax "10" ex_extrapmax "10"

Aceste setari le adaugati in server.cfg, dar nu pe toate ! These settings add to the server.cfg, but not all! puneti pe care credeti ca aveti nevoie. put that you think you need.

- Pasul 8 - - Step 8 --
In pasul 8 veti afla despre cateva setari la windows: In step 8 you will learn about some settings in windows:
- Da-ti Click dreapta pe My Computer, apasati Proprietes, apasati sus la Advanced, iar in chenarul cu Performance apasati Settings si faceti ca in imaginea de mai jos: - Yes you right click on My Computer, click propriétés, click Advanced on top and in the Performance box click Settings and make in the picture below:

- Pasul 9 - Despre optimizarea unor procese, dezactivarea celor care consuma degeaba - Step 9 - About the optimization of processes, disabling those who consume nothing
- Apasati pe butonul Start, dati la Run... - Click the Start button, go to Run ... si in chenarul care va aparea scrieti regedit. in the box that appears type regedit. apoi apasati pe [+] de la HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, apoi apasati pe [+] de la SYSTEM, mai departe apasati pe [+] de la CurrentControlSet, apoi apasati pe [+] de la Control, apoi pe [+] de la Session Manager si apoi apasati pe Memory Management ; In dreapta va aparea o lista cu cativa registri. then press [+] to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, then click on [+] from SYSTEM, click on [+] from CurrentControlSet, and then press [+] from Control, then click [+] to the Session Manager and then click on Memory Management In the right will appear a list with several registry.
Apasati dublu click pe DisablePagingExecutive si la Value data: schimbati din 0 in 1 Click double click DisablePagingExecutive and Value data: change of 0 in 1
- Ca sa opriti din procesele care merg degeaba faceti urmatoarele: - To stop the processes that go in vain do the following:
Apasati pe Start, apoi apasati pe Run.. Click on Start, then click on Run .. si scrieti in chenarul care va aparea msconfig . and write in the box that appears msconfig. Dupa ce va aparea o fereastra, dati sus la Services si dezbifati de nu va trebuie . After a window will appear, go up to the Services and dezbifati will not be. De asemenea mai apasati sus la Startup si dezbifati ce credeti ca nu va trebuie May also hit up the Startup and dezbifati what do you think will be

- Pasul 10 - - Step 10 --
- Click pe butonul Start, apasati la Run.., apoi scrieti in chenarul care va aparea gpedit.msc . - Click the Start button, click on Run .., then type in the box that appears gpedit.msc. Mai departe sub Computer Configuration apasati pe [+] de la Administrative Templates, apoi pe [+] de la Network, mai departe apasaitipe QoS Packet Scheduler si va aparea o lista in dreapta unde puteti face cateva setari . Further under Computer Configuration, click on [+] the Administrative Templates, then click [+] from Network, on apasaitipe QoS Packet Scheduler and will appear in a list where you can make right some settings. Apasati dublu click pe Limit reservable bandwith, apoi bifati pe Enabled si la Bandwith limit schimbati din 20 % la 0% . Click double click Limit reservable bandwidth, then check the Enabled and change the Bandwidth limit of 20% to 0%. Apoi dati Apply si apoi OK . Then give Apply and then OK.

- Pasul 11 - - Step 11 --
- Dati click dreapte pe Desktop -> Properties -> Apperance -> Effects . - Right Click on Desktop -> Properties -> Apperance -> Effects. In aceasta fereastra sa fie bifat numai randu cu Hide underlined letters ... In this window will be checked only turn to Hide underlined letters ...

- Pasul 12 - - Step 12 --
- Dati Start -> Run si scrieti Sigverif.exe. - Get Start -> Run and type Sigverif.exe. Apoi dati Start. Then you Start.

- Pasul 13 - - Step 13 --
- Intrati la Control Panel apoi la Administrative Tools -> Services. - Come to Control Panel then Administrative Tools -> Services. Apoi dati click dreapta -> stop pe urmatoarele: Then right click -> stop the following:
Application Management Application Management
Clipbook Clipbook
Error Reporting Error Reporting
Distributed Link Tracking Client Distributed Link Tracking Client
Help and Support Help and Support
Indexing Indexing
Messenger Messenger
Remote Registry Service Remote Registry Service
Telnet Telnet
Windows Time Windows Time
WMI Performance Adapter WMI Performance Adapter

- Pasul 14 - - Step 14 --
- Intrati la Start -> Run si scrieti regedit. - Come to Start -> Run and type regedit. Apoi va duceti la HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEM -> CurrentControlSet -> Control -> Session Manager -> Memory Management -> PrefetchParameters . Then go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEM -> CurrentControlSet -> Control -> Session Manager -> Memory Management -> PrefetchParameters. Apoi intrati la EnablePrefetcher si setati valoarea 3. Then go to EnablePrefetcher and set the value 3.

- Pasul 15 - - Step 15 --
- Intrati la Start -> Run si scrieti regedit. - Come to Start -> Run and type regedit. Apoi va duceti la HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SYSTEM -> CurrentControlSet -> Control -> PriorityControl . Then go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SYSTEM -> CurrentControlSet -> Control -> PriorityControl. In partea dreapta dati New-> DWORD Value. In the right side give New-> DWORD Value. Scrieti IRQ8Priority in chenar . Write IRQ8Priority in frame. Apoi dati Modify si puneti valoarea "1". Then give Modify and put the value "1".

- Pasul 16 - - Step 16 --
- Folositi programul "TCP Optimizer" pentru optimizarea internetul. - Use the "TCP Optimizer" optimize for the internet. E un program foarte bun, chiar testat de mine . It's a very good, even test me.

ATENTIE : Nu este obligatoriu sa urmati toti pasii, faceti doar cei de care credeti ca aveti nevoie ; CAUTION: It is not required to follow all steps, just make people think that you need;

* Nu imi asum nici un risc daca patiti ceva la pc respectiv server desi nu are ce sa se intampla, dar poate din greseala mai modificati si alceva si o sa dati vina pe mine . * Do not take my no risk if something happened to the server computer that is not even what happens, but can modify it by mistake in May and alceva and give blame me.


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