Tutorial AMX ModX dedicated server Counter Strike 1.6
1.Instalare automata Automatic 1.Instalare
2.Instalare modul cstrike 2.Instalare cstrike module
3.Instalare manuala 3.Instalare Manual
4.Configurare admin 4.Configurare admin
5.Configurare configuri 5.Configurare set
6.Instalare pluginuri 6.Instalare pluginuri
1.Instalare automata AMX ModX 1.Instalare automatic AMX ModX
Prima data descarci de aici unul din cele trei Installere Amx Mod X (ai de ales intre cele trei versiuni disponibile: 1.76d, 1.8.0 si 1.8.1). First, download from here one of the three Install Amx Mod X (you can choose between three versions available: 1.76d, 1.8.0 and 1.8.1). Dezarhivezi arhiva undeva pe disc. Unzip the archive somewhere on disc. Dublu click pe executabil . Double click on the executable. Dai next , “ i accept the terms “, next…ai ajuns la Browse . You next, "and accept the terms," ... you're next to Browse. Lasi folderul care este ales automat ( C:Program FilesAMX ModX ), dai next si apoi Install . Leave the folder that is selected automatically (C: Program Files AMX ModX), and then next you Install. Se trece la faza a doua a instalarii . Pass to the second phase of installation. Lasi casuta cu Run AMX ModX installer selectata si dai Finish . Leave the box with AMX ModX Run the installer and you selected Finish. In acest moment incepe instalarea propriu-zisa . At this point start installing itself. Iar next , i accept… , next . And next, I accept ... next. Se ajunge iar la o fereastra de selectare , unde alegi " select mod directory ", a patra optiune , si next . Is reached and a selection window where you choose "select a directory", the fourth option and next. Aici alegi folderul HLDScstrike ( unde HLDS este fisierul serverului tau ) iar jos la "Custom game addon" alegi Counter-Strike si dai OK .Atentie ! Here choose the folder HLDS cstrike (HLDS is where your file server) and down to "Custom game addon" choose Counter-Strike si dai OK. Attention! Daca instalerul va detecta alta instalare mai veche a AMX ModX-ului te va intreba daca vrei sa continui . If instalerul will detect another installation of the older AMX ModX map will ask if you want to continue. Ai trei optiuni : You have three options:
1.dai yes , si atunci toate configuratiile vechi vor fi sterse ( admini , pluginuri deja instalate , sloturi etc) 1.dai yes, and then all the old configurations will be erased (Admin, pluginuri already installed, slots, etc.)
2.dai no , si atunci se vor upgrada fisierele binare fara a sterge configuratiile 2.dai no, and then will upgrade binary files without delete configurations
3.dai cancel ca sa renunti 3.dai to cancel out
Repet , asta numai daca exista alta instalare a AMX ModX-ului . Again, this only if there is another installation of AMX ModX map. Daca nu exista nici una instalerul isi va face treaba , iar tu trebuie doar sa dai Finish. If no one instalerul will do the job, and you just give Finish.
Urmatoarea faza este instalarea modulului cstrike avand in vedere ca instalerul a instalat doar baza , care este comuna. Next step is to install the module cstrike given that only instalerul installed base, which is common. Aceasta se face manual . This is done manually.
2.Instalarea manuala a modulului CStrike pentru AMX ModX 2.Instalarea manual cstrike module for AMX ModX
Descarci modulul cstrike de aici . Download cstrike module here. Il dezarhivezi oriunde pe disc . Il unzip anywhere on disk. Deschizi amxmodx-1.76d-cstrikeaddonsamxmodx . Open amxmodx-1.76d-cstrike addons amxmodx. Aici ai 5 foldere : configs , modules , scripting , plugins , data . Here 5 folders: configs, modules, scripting, plugins, data. Elementele componente ale fiecarui folder de aici , trebuie sa ajunga in folderele cu aceleasi nume din HLDScstrikeaddonsamxmodx ( unde HLDS este folderul serverului tau ) . Components of each folder here should be in folders with the same name in HLDS cstrike addons amxmodx (HLDS is the folder where your server).
Deci , deschizi amxmodx 1.76d-cstrikeaddonsamxmodxconfigs , si copiezi tot ce e acolo in HLDScstrikeaddonsamxmodxconfigs . So, open the amxmodx-1.76d cstrike addons amxmodx configs and copy what is there in HLDS cstrike addons amxmodx configs. Si tot asa cu toate cele cinci fisiere, vezi imaginile . And so with all five files, see images.
In acest moment ai instalat AMX ModX cu cstrike , pe serverul tau . At this moment you install AMX ModX with cstrike on your server. Pentru a vedea rezultatele porneste serverul si da « meta list » . To see the start and give your "meta list". Rezultatul ar trebui sa fie : The result should be:
Important ! Important! Instalarea modulului CStrike este obligatorie pentru functionarea serverului ! Installing cstrike module is required for server operation!
3.Instalare manuala AMX ModX 3.Instalare manual AMX ModX
Aceasta instalare fiind ceva mai complicata nu o recomand incepatorilor . This installation is slightly more complicated not recommend beginners. Pentru cei avansati care vor batai de cap am sa prezint pe scurt . For those professionals who will beat the head I introduce briefly.
1. 1. Mergi la www.amxmodx.org si da click pe "Downloads". Go to www.amxmodx.org and click on "Downloads". Downloadeaza pachetul de baza amxmodx pentru Windows, Linux sau AMD64. Download amxmodx base package for Windows, Linux and AMD64.
2. 2. Dezarhiveaza-l in directorul modului (<directorul modului>addonsamxmodx). Unzip it into your way (<directorul modului> addons amxmodx). Daca il urci prin FTP, va trebui sa il extragi intr-un director temporar (de ex. pe Desktop). If you get by FTP, you will need to extract into a temporary directory (eg. Desktop).
3. 3. Mergi inapoi pe site-ul AMXModX la "Downloads" si downloadeaza addonurile dorite. Go back to the site AMXModX from "Downloads" and download addonurile desired. In acest moment sunt disponibile addon-uri pentru: Counter-Strike/Condition-Zero, Team Fortress Classic, Day of Defeat, The Specialists, Natural Selection, and Earth's Special Forces. In this time are available for addon sites: Counter-Strike/Condition-Zero, Team Fortress Classic, Day of Defeat, The Specialists, Natural Selection, and Earth's Special Forces. Asigura-te ca ai downloadat pachetul corespunzator sistemului tau de operare (Windows, Linux sau Linux AMD64) Make sure you download the package corresponding to your operating system (Windows, Linux or Linux AMD64)
4. 4. Dezarhiveaza addon-ul in acelasi loc ca mai devreme. Unzip the addon in the same place as before. Ar trebui sa mai adauge cateva fisiere in locatia instalarii AMXModX. Should I add some files in the installation location AMXModX.
5. 5. Daca folosesti FTP, fa upload la folderul addons. If using FTP, just upload the addons folder.
6. 6. AMXModX ar trebui sa fie instalat acum! AMXModX should be installed now! Poti scrie "meta list" in consola jocului pentru a verifica daca totul este ok. You write "meta list" in the console game to check if everything is ok.
7. 7. Acum poti merge mai departe la configurarea AMXModX. Now you can go on to configuring AMXModX. Daca intampini dificultati, intrebi pe forum . If you encounter difficulties, ask the forum.
4.Configurare admin on AMX ModX
Pentru a putea controla serverul tau de counter strike trebuie sa-ti configurezi adminul (sa-ti pui admin) . To check your server for counter strike must configure your admin (you put admin). Acest lucru se face in foarte simplu . This is made very simple. Intri in HLDScstrikeaddonsamxmodxconfigsusers.ini , si mergi in jos pe pagina pana gasesti o linie "loopback" "" "bcdfe....". Into HLDS cstrike addons amxmodx configs users.ini, and go down the page until you find a line "Loopback" "bcdfe ....". Acea linie trebuie sa o editezi tu - sau alta exact la fel . That line have to edit you - or another exactly the same. Acum , depinde de adminul pe care vrei sa-l pui . Now, depending on the admin that you want to put. Daca vrei admin pe ip atunci stergi "loopback" si treci acolo ip-ul dorit , dupa cum se vede in imagine : If you want admin ip then delete the "Loopback" and get there ip desired, as seen in the image:


Daca vrei sa pui adminul pe nume inlocuiesti "loopback" cu nick-ul respectiv , iar la capatul sirului in loc de "de", pui "e". If you want to put admin name replace "Loopback" by nick respectively, and at the end of string instead of "chicken" is. "
Deci , sa explicam putin : So, to explain a little:
"loopback" "parola" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "de", unde "Loopback" password "" abcdefghijklmnopqrstu "" de ", where
-"loopback" se inlocuieste cu ip-ul , numele sau daca e cazul cu id-ul steam . - "Loopback" is replaced by the ip, name, or if necessary with id steam.
- "parola" aici se pune parola , daca doriti acest lucru - "Password" here is your password if you want it
-"abcdefgh..." - "abcdefgh ..." sunt nivelele de acces ale adminului are levels of administrator access
-"de" din capat sunt flagurile conturilor de admin - "the" end of flagurile accounts are admin
Nivele de acces Access levels
a - imunitate - nu poate lua kickbanslay... a - immunity - can not take kick ban slay ...
b - slot rezervat - are un loc rezervat pe server in caz ca acesta este plin ; b - reserved slot - has a place reserved on the server if it is full;
c - acces la comanda amx_kick c - control access to amx_kick
d - acces la ban si unban d - money and access to unban
e - acces la slap si slay e - access to thongs and slay
f - acces la comanda amx_map f - access to command amx_map
g - acces la cvar-uri - poate scimba valorile cvar-urilor g - access to Ævar sites - may scimba values Ævar sites
h - acces la configuri h - access to configure
i - aces la comenzile de chat ( amx_chat , amx_psay..) and - in these chat commands (amx_chat, amx_psay ..)
j - acces la comenzile de vot (amx_vote, amx_votemap) j - access to commands vote (amx_vote, amx_votemap)
k - acces la parola serverulu - poate schimba parola prin intermediul comenzilor cvar (adica poate pune si scoate parola serverului , in caz de meci de exemplu cand nu trebuie sa mai intre nimeni) k - access to password serverulu - can change the password through Ævar orders (that may remove the password and server, in case of match for example when you have to enter one)
l - acces la parola RCON si la comenzile rcon prin intermediul comenzilor cvar l - access to the RCON password and rcon commands via the command Ævar
m -> u sunt nivele personalizate - pentru anumite accese pe care vreti sa le creati ( nu va intereseaza !!) m -> u are custom levels - to access certain you want to create (not you!)
z - simplu jucator - Atentie! z - simple player - Attention! nu se trece nivelul "z" pentru admini ! not pass the "z" to admin!
Flaguri cont Flaguri account
a - deconectare daca parola nu este buna a - disconnect if the password is not good
b - se trece tag-ul de clan tag de clan b - pass tag clan tag clan
c - se trece id-ul de steam c - pass id steam
d - se trece ip-ul d - pass ip
e - nu se controleaza parola e - password is not controlling
Pentru a vedea la ce comenzi ai acces dai in consola amx_help ; vor aparea primele 10 comenzi cu explicatiile de rigoare dupa care dai amx_help 11 , amx_help 21 , si tot asa... To see what commands you can access the console in amx_help, will be the first 10 orders with the necessary explanations then you amx_help 11, amx_help 21, and so on ...
Atentie ! Attention! Nu trebuie puse toate nivelele de acces pentru toti adminii ! You should put all levels of access for all adminii! Pui pentru fiecare admin nivelele la care vrei sa aiba acces ! Kittens for each admin levels which you have access! ex "gigi" "" "abc" "e" .. eg "gigi" "abc" "e" ..
Cum pui parola la admin How to put password admin
Pentru siguranta poti pune parola pe admin ( "gigi" "nebunul" "abcd" "a" ). For safety you can put the admin password ( "gigi" crazy "ABCD" "a"). In acest caz dupa cum vezi se schimba flagul contului de admin cu "a" . In this case, as you can see the flag change admin account with "a". Adminul va trebui sa scrie in consola jocului , inainte de a intra pe server asa : name gigi - si da enter- apoi setinfo pw_nebunul (unde _pw se poate schimba cu orice valoare cu conditia sa fie editat in HLDScstrikeaddonsamxmodxconfigsamxx , unde se modifica linia amx_password_field "_pw" - schimbi "_pw" cu ce vrei tu numai sa aiba linia in fata, ex: "_abc") . Admin will have to write in the console game before entering it on the server: name gigi - yes and then enter setinfo pw_nebunul (where _pw can change any value provided to be edited in HLDS cstrike addons amxmodx configs amxx where change line amx_password_field "_pw" - change "_pw with only what you want to have the line in front, eg:" _abc). Totusi , nu va recomand sa schimbati aceasta linie pentru ca va veti incurca dupa aceea . However, it will not recommend to change this line because you mixed afterwards. Daca adminul da acest setinfo in consola corect , va intra pe server cu drepturi de admin , daca nu, (daca greseste parola) , serverul nu va accepta conectarea , nu va putea sa intre pe server cu numele "gigi" (poate intra cu alt nume, dar fara drepturi de admin). If yes the admin console setinfo in correctly, will enter the server with admin rights, if not, (if greseste password), the server will not accept the connection, will not be able to enter the server name "gigi" (may be another name, but no admin rights).